About Me

The thing that really drives and inspires me is the transformation in a woman whose health, energy and overall wellbeing is stopping her from living her full potential.
This is a woman who puts a brave face on things because she knows she has something to offer the world and there just has to be a solution.
Despite her frustration with her health and energy she is inspired to be free, to be kind and happy and to make a difference.
And that’s what I love! Seeing an exhausted, sometimes despairing person take back control of her life and her health.
And my favourite part is when she steps onto her true path and puts her dreams and goals into action as confident, healthy woman, full of vitality and an inspiration to those around her.
My own journey to becoming a natural health practitioner began growing up on an Irish farm close to nature, drinking fresh milk, digging up spuds from the garden and fascinated by the wild plants and flowers and their medicinal properties..
I was a very healthy child until at age 17, I contracted viral meningitis. I recovered enough to go to univerity that summer and completed a BA (hons) in langauages, IT and business in the University of Ulster. I then worked in corporates in Dublin with one wonderful year off traveling Australia and Asia. I had a really good career but was dogged by constant illness and in my late 20s was diagnosed with bowel disease without hope of recovery.
Anyone that experiences chronic illness knows the depths it brings you too and how it consumes your life. My management plan was more and more radical surgery and medicines and I remember very clearly thinking this could not be the rest of my life and there just had to be another solution.
I turned to my old interest in medicinal plants and began my healing journey with many different practitioners. Part of that journey was the realising I wanted to spend my working life helping people who had almost lost hope and to help them not just restore their health and recover from chronic illness but also uncover and realise the magic inside of themselves and their greatest potential.
And I recovered!
I began studying natural health modalities including Aura-Soma, TFT, Phytobiophysics, Flower Essenses and Shaminism. I completed a one year course in Anatomy, Physiology and Holistic Massage and 2 years in Naturopathy and Kinesiology, qualifying in 2005.
I am a very practical natural health practitioner. My own experience, training and my clients have taught me natural health has to work for you, has to fit into your lifestyle and with your personality.
I still aspire to daily green juices and a week without chocolate and have yet to manage it!
Common sense and a connection with your own soul will always steer you on the right path.
Please sign up my free e-book 3 Key Steps to Natural Born Vitality to find out more.
# of cats I work for
# of countries I lived in
# of times I've watched The Princess Bride
% of how much I love to laugh
More Info
Address: 890 My Street #12
My City, My State 65432
Phone: 123.4567.890
Business Hours: 8a-6:30p M-F, 9a-2p S-S