How I can help you
Do you experience fatigue, pain and anxiety on a daily basis? Or often wonder if you are just too sensitive for the world? Are you completely frustrated because your health and energy stops you from achieving your full potential? Do you wish you could just free the person on the inside so you can finally feel full of energy, happy and joyful on the outside?

My Philosophy
My passion is natural medicine and seeing people free from the illness, pain and sadness they thought they would never escape from.
When you are in balance, full of health and energy and your true self shines, you inspire each person you meet, helping them to shine and inspire also.
When we understand the underlying physical and emotional causes, nature and compassion finds the solution.
My Methods
As a naturopathic kinesiologist, I help you understand and solve not just the physical causes using natural medicines and sensitivity testing but to also heal the hidden emotional wounds that underlie your symptoms.
Mood, emotion, past trauma, lack of self-belief and being a highly sensitive person are interwoven with fatigue, anxiety, depression and gut problems.
I use a combination of practical natural medicines and esoteric work so that you are not just free physically, but from your past and can create a happy life with self-confidence and self-love.

My Goals
My goal is to help you connect in with and discover the gifts and beautiful light that exists within you as it’s hiding that because of past pain and trauma that’s at the root of fatigue, depression and pain. You will understand your food triggers, your energy triggers and what you need to do every day to keep yourself in balance physically, mentally and emotionally so that you can live life fully reaching your true potential.
How I can help
Frustrated, sick and tired all the time? With dreams, goals and ambitions that you just cannot get the energy or vitality to take action towards?
Get my free E-book 3 Key Steps to Natural Born Vitality.