How natural health helps you 

I just want to wake up feeling normal!

Do you experience fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety or low mood almost if not always on a daily basis?

Do you have a dream, goal or ambition that you want to achieve or bring into the world but your health stops you?

And feel completely frustrated because the person you are on the inside feels trapped by low energy and illness?

And you know you are not living up to the vision you have for yourself?

Have you ever been told you are sensitive?

Do you sometimes feel what other people are feeling?

Or feel drained by particular people or situations?

Do you sometimes wonder if you are highly sensitive in different ways? (Such as sensitivities to foods, people and places, even the news?)

Do you sometimes despair of ever feeling better?

How I help

Mood, emotion, past trauma, lack of self belief and being a highly sensitive person are interwoven with fatigue, anxiety, depression and gut or digestive problems. The combination of very practical natural medicines and esoteric work that I use solves these kind of problems.

I help you connect in with the gifts and light that exist within you that has been hidden by past traumas.

You are brought safely and gently to a space where your deepest hurts and are acknowledged and healed,

You will understand and have resolved not just the physical causes using natural medicines but also the hidden emotional wounds that underlie your symptoms.

By the end you are free, not just physically free, but free from the past and free to re-create and uncover your life with self-confidence, creativity and self-love.


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