3 things to do for health and energy this weekend

The autumn equinox is Sunday the 23rd of September 2018.  

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Day and night will be of equal length.  This marks the turn towards longer nights and cooler days. It’s the perfect time to celebrate, declutter and refocus. Doing this clears the ground to plant the seeds now that will allow your health, energy and happiness to flourish.

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1.  Celebrate!

Take some time to reflect on the year so far and then celebrate everything you have achieved. And I mean celebrate! Honestly it will start to get darker from next week so do something fun this weekend. Some tips:

  • Celebrate what you have done. Seriously, be pleased with yourself, pat on the back time.
  • Start or restart a gratitude journal.  Simply write “I am so happy and grateful for…” and pick 5 different things.  Sometimes my answer is my cats, or my dog or a particularly beautiful rose from the rose bushes I finally planted this year.

Practising gratitude consistently helps your brain create neural pathways that help build emotional resilience. It also triggers you to come up with creative solutions. Most importantly it helps create good chemistry in your body for health.  It helps release the stress that drains your energy and triggers your digestive system. It can also help calm the inflammation that creates pain. (This is by no means a cure-all but part of you getting your health, energy and vitality back.) Just like compost in a garden, fun, celebration and gratitude will reinvigorate your body and soul.

2.  Declutter

In reflecting you will realise there hasn’t been the progress you hoped for on everything. And that’s ok.  It’s normal. So whatever is constantly on your mind or in the corner of your eye it’s time to complete it or let it go. This frees up your time, your energy and your brain for creativity, new energy and motivation. It clears the ground for you to plant and grow new possibilities, new aspirations and goals. It will give you a window of energy to work towards getting your health back on track and feeling normal again.

  • Make a list of your “I really shoulds”….The things that have been bugging you to get done but you never seem to find the time or energy.  Drop the unnecessary.  If it’s been on your list a long time and you’ve never done it then it’s never been a priority. Let it go.
  • Take what’s left and at the weekend or a day this week or next get them done.  At the very least take action on them.  Better yet, delegate it to someone else.
  • If you have the energy consider decluttering your house.

Doing all of this clears the ground for you to plant the seeds for the goals and ideas that will bloom and bear fruit next year. 

3. Plant
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By now you will have a good idea of what worked, what didn’t and why. There really is an energy this time of year that if you tap into it will allow your creativity to flow and inspiration will follow. Be brave and bold in identifying what you would like to have in your life by the New Year and beyond. Make sure its life affirming and something YOU want. NOT want other people think you should be, do or have.  Those are someone else’s bulbs!

  • Ask yourself “What do “I” really, really, REALLY want? (Positive goals only)
  • Write those goals down.
  • Stick them on a wall somewhere you will see them often.
  • Spend at least 30 minutes a week taking actions on those goals – put the 30 minutes in your diary.

Your goals can be directly related to your health and wellbeing such as.

  • More movement that is fun for you
  • More vegetables!
  • Meditation
  • Water!
  • Less sugar
  • Bone Broth
  • Cooking from scratch

Or your goals can feed your soul.

Our souls love us to prosper, to live and to experience.

Like a clock with intricate moving parts, our body, our emotions and thoughts work with our soul to give us a life worth living. If we ignore our soul, that call to learn and to grow the parts stop working in harmony.

In my clinics re-engaging with the soul is part of my clients recovery plan.

So your goal might be heart or mind related. You might decide to write, to play guitar or flower arranging! Or it might be finally healing and letting go.

So celebrate, declutter and plant the new goals and ideas that you wish to bloom for next year.


Please do start from where you are at.

If you are waking up every day exhausted, in pain and feeling very low, go gently.  Celebrations do not need to big.

Only declutter if you are able BUT do get rid of “the I really shoulds”.  Those drain your energy and stress you out.  Be grateful for small things.  Sometimes that can be as simple as I got through the day.

The most important is that your the seeds you plant now are life affirming.

If you would like to share what you decided to plant with me I would love that!

With love,

Victoria Health and Wellbeing Naturally


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