How 15 minutes a day 3 times a week can help boost your immune system.

I’ve taken some time out to properly research what is happening and have a think about how best I can help. 

The first thing I want to say is that my advice is not designed to replace any advice given by the HSE, NHS or WHO.  The advice on their websites is solid, sensible and evidence based.

Treatments for this current crisis will go through months of vigorous testing to prove that they are effective.

So is there anything you can do in the meantime to help yourself?

Yes there is.

Common sense tells us that a strong healthy immune system is a good thing to have when fighting off any kind of infection.

I like to keep things simple and targeted so my advice is to focus on:

  1. Strengthening your immune system
  2. Avoiding the things that weaken your immune system

There are a number of ways to do the above.  I am going to focus on one at at time over a series of blogs to make it as easy and quick to read as possible.

Today I’m focusing on Vitamin D.

The Sunshine Vitamin. 

What’s exciting about Vitamin D is mainstream medicine and media are starting to realise just how important this vitamin is now. 

There are different types of vitamin D depending on the source.  

Sources of Vitamin D2 come from eating animal products and D5 is a synthetic vitamin used to fortify cereals, juices and pasteurised, homogenised milk. 

Vitamin D3 comes from exposure to sunshine. 

What’s very important to note is that the body needs Vitamin D3 to convert animal and synthethic sourced Vitamin Ds.

So you must get some sunshine!

How much? 15 minutes 3 times a week

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Ideally the sun should cast your shadow but we’ve got to work with the climate we live in.   

Make sure to expose your eyes and as much skin as possible without freezing or getting arrested. 

Vitamin D is also good for your heart, bone and thyroid health and can help with hypoglycemia among other benefits.  So it’s well worth giving it some attention. 

I mentioned food sources so the following are good to include if you can.

  • Fish liver oils.
  • Fatty Saltwater fish (especially mackerel) Also sardines, halibut, wild salmon, tuna.
  • Dairy products (studies have shown raw milk provides Vitamin D naturally.  Pasteurised and homogenised dairy products are stripped of nutrients so have Vitamin D added back in).
  • Choose butter over dairy spreads.
  • Eggs (choose organic if available and it’s in the yolk so eat the yolk).
  • Liver.
  • Dandelion greens.
  • Mushrooms (if they’ve been exposed to sunlight or special lighting while growing).
  • Oats.
  • Sweet potatoes.
  • Cold pressed vegetable oils (Olive etc).
  • Alfalfa.
  • Horsetail.
  • Nettle and Parsley.

People with gut issues or on certain medications can have difficulty absorbing Vitamin D and are often deficient.  

There are some great quality Vitamin D supplements available.  Look for one that includes calcium for efficacy. Always go for high quality with as few fillers as possible. 

Your local independent health stores can give you advice or drop me an email if you need help.

Make sure to follow the advice on the packet as taking too much can cause toxicity.

I hope this has been useful to you and if you have any questions please let me know.

I would love to know if there’s anything else you would like me to write about that would be helpful.

And if you feel this will benefit anyone else please feel free to share. 

Kind Regards


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